The Art of Jean Groberg

"Life is a great big canvas and you should throw all the paint on it you can."

 Danny Kaye   

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-> Crazy Patch Instruction Booklet
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Crazy Patch Instruction Booklet
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For readers who wish to sew crazy patched clothing, this is the booklet for you, and it is probably the only instruction book published on this subject as I developed this method.

Since crazy quilting is basically a collage, included in the 16-page booklet are basic art rules that help you put these pieces together attractively. There are instructions on sewing a bathrobe, jacket and gored skirt using this technique. While instructions for sewing the vests are not specifically included, the jacket instructions will suffice, eliminating the sleeves and collar.

The booklet is illustrated with drawings and photographs.

The price is $8.50 USA., price includes mailing charges.

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