Other Quilted Items
When you make a few large quilts you end up with a pile of little pieces. Then it's time to create some new items. Here are some of the ways I found to use those little pieces.

A set of these placemats in similar color tones along with blue napkins made an attractive place setting.

Pin Cusion
One of my students brought a Victorian pincushion to a class where I was giving a demonstration. I noted how it was constructed and made a copy using the same embroidery stitches used in old Victorian Throws.

Victorian Satin Pillow
A Victorian pillow, worn and a bit tattered, was brought to a quilt class for me to see. I liked the way the light rode the satin ridges. Hat makers in the 1930's also made use of puckered satin when decorating lady's hats. After close examination of the pillow, I went home and made one for myself.

Christmas Tree Skirt
What better way to make the area around the base of your Christmas tree festive and full even before Santa arrives than with a quilted Christmas tree skirt.