The Art of Jean Groberg

"Life is a great big canvas and you should throw all the paint on it you can."

 Danny Kaye   

New Additions
Chair Gallery
Countryscapes <-
Springtime on Natoma Road-For Sale
Eucalyptus Grove on the Alameda-Sold
Buckeye Tree in Winter - For Sale
Our Old Dakota Farm - sold
-> Bubb - the Farrier - sold
The Eight-Gabled Outhouse - sold
Saddle - Sold
Country - West
Eliza's Cottage
Eliza's Garden
Feather River Country
Gardens -Trees -Landscapes
Vegetable Still Life
Fruit Still Life
Groups of Things
Homespun Gallery
People Denim
People and Music
Sky To Sea
Still Life
Pen/Ink Drawings
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Bubb - the Farrier - sold
<<- Previous ImageThis image is used in the gallery Countryscapes.Next Image ->>


Several horses, with their owners, stopped by to greet Bubb as he did his work in the shade of an old green barn at the Webb Ranch. He worked calmly and confidently and the horses seemed comfortable around him. I was told there were over 200 horses at this ranch in Portola Valley, California. I didn't count them. I just sat on a stool and did my sketches.

oil paintings by

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