The Art of Jean Groberg

"Life is a great big canvas and you should throw all the paint on it you can."

 Danny Kaye   

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Springtime on Natoma Road-For Sale
Eucalyptus Grove on the Alameda-Sold
Buckeye Tree in Winter - For Sale
Our Old Dakota Farm - sold
Bubb - the Farrier - sold
The Eight-Gabled Outhouse - sold
-> Saddle - Sold
Country - West
Eliza's Cottage
Eliza's Garden
Feather River Country
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Vegetable Still Life
Fruit Still Life
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Sky To Sea
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Saddle - Sold
<<- Previous ImageThis image is used in the gallery Countryscapes. 


The Duvenick Ranch is located in the hills near Los Altos, California. When I painted this in the 1960's there was a youth hostel on the property and the ranch also hosted a summer camp for city children. The Duvenicks, an older couple who owned and lived on the property were generous to share it with so many, and that included artist's groups. An older man, who spoke with a German accent, was the ranch manager. There were two acres of open field that we drove by to get back to the barn area. Each year this old gentleman would plant this field with oats, hand-broadcasting the seeds from a burlap bag.

I found the saddle in the barn just waiting for the next rider and me. I also painted the worn trunk used for storing the riding tack but have no photographic record of the painting.

oil paintings by

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